Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pregnancy is NOT beautiful!!!

Whoever said that was a fool.
Or was trying to earn some serious brownie points from his wife. Yes I say "he" because a woman would know better.

Acne, y'all. My face, my back and my chest. I have never had skin issues before. This is driving me crazy. It has to be from that "pregnancy glow" (cough*bullshit*cough) a.k.a SWEAT.

Because I sweat. All the time. Like a big fat man. I don't even turn the heater on. People are constantly asking me if I'm cold.

I'm perfect. Go away.

Back to the chest. ... My girls... They weren't small to begin with. Now they are HUGE.
But can I show them off? Nooooo.
Acne. Ugh. So gross.
Sucks having Dolly Parton ta-tas and having to lock them bad boys down.

Muscle cramps! In my legs. My sides. Lower abdomen. I know that everything is stretching, but good golly. I'm over that. Waking up to muscle cramps sucks.

My son moves like a crazy person. Like he's trying to prove something in there! Kick, punch, kick, kick, swirl, twirl, punch punch, kick. He's in my ribs so I can't breathe. He's playing hop scotch on my bladder.

Speaking on bladder. I pee constantly.
Even when I'm done peeing, I need to pee.
This starts the beginning of my embarrassing story.

I'm at work. I use the bathroom. I go park myself in front of the computer. I feel the urge to sneeze. So I grab for my tissues.

Because there's no such thing as a dry sneeze for me... When I'm pregnant. Pregnancy has got my allergies out of whack.

Grab my tissues and sneeze. And pee. Yeah, you read that right. I peed my pants. At work. Right after I used the restroom.
I peed my pants from sneezing!!!!!!!!!!!
Motherfucker was the first word out of my mouth.

Shaving. That's becoming difficult. There's a giant mountain of baby in my way.
I don't shave unless I have too. I'm totally good with shaving to my knees and calling it a day.

No shave November. Participated.
Declining to shave December. Working on it.

Seven months pregnant.
82 days left.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

A year condensed-ish

It's mid-November already. Wow. Time really does fly when you get older.

I haven't written or blogged in such a long time.

Today I spent some time out and about by myself and did a lot of thinking. My life has changed a great deal in a year and a halfish. Today was difficult for me. I have been very ... depressed...maybe? I'll use that term LIGHTLY.

I sat in the parking lot and remembered the reason I drank so much last year. Because sometimes life sucks. Then I asked myself what the fuck was wrong with me. I am pregnant, and NO I wouldn't drink.(OH by the way...IM PREGNANT. I'll get to that later.) I'm not THAT down. I just had familiar feeling. Being alone all the time is probably what is doing it to me. January 2013 was a turning point for me. I cut ties with my past and moved on. As terrifying as that was, I did it and it has worked out in my favor I must say.

Ya'll a tornado has come down, once again, and flipped my world upside down.

I started seeing someone who lives about 6 hours away. It seemed like a fantastic idea! Distance- I have someone there, but I can keep them at arms length. Know what I mean? I'll let you in on my terms, not serious, occasional dating.
Riiiiiiiiiight----- then these things called feelings came in and screwed that all up. I fell for this guy. Hard. I'm not even kidding when I tell you on multiple occasions I asked myself what the hell I was doing. It wasn't just a fall. It was a stupid, fall on your face, completely jumble your brain up, can't think about anything else fall. So I decided to just go with it. HA. Little did I know things would get much more complicated than just falling in love with someone from friggin' Kansas. No, lets try throwing a pregnancy card in there. Super.

July 1, 2013 - After being sick for a few days and my monthly visitor not coming on time (even though I basically told my uterus she had better get her shit together and make something happen), Krystin told me I was pregnant.
No. No way. No how. NO. But she insisted. So I took a test. At work. Of all places. And stared at those two pink lines for a long time with tears in my eyes. I was pregnant.
Most of you know the trouble I went through trying to get pregnant. For years. Half of me was stupid happy and the other half just kept saying "Oh shit."

The next few minutes I spent trying to figure out what to do. Do I tell him? Do I keep it to myself? I made that dreaded phone call and told him. It took him a little while to come around.

The beginning of the pregnancy was terrible. I was sick all the time and did not think I was going to stay pregnant. A few trips to the ER and Doctors with complications convinced me I was going to lose this baby. I was completely devastated. I wanted to tell everyone. I wanted to yell it to the world, but I did not want to get excited about something that I had wanted for so long just turn around and have it slip through my finger tips. But he made it. That's right, it is a he! I am having a little boy! Yay! Now I am six months pregnant. It took me all of these six months to really believe I'm pregnant and now he's almost here.

Six months pregnant.

You know, I had these plans. Being married, being set somewhere and starting my family. Not being divorced, working part time, living with my mom, definitley not dating someone six hours away. I guess that is the way things go.

It is all very hard on me emotionally. I spend a lot of time alone. I am alone. Pregnant and alone. That is not a good feeling. I think that is the part I am struggling with the most at the moment. This is supposed to be something you do with your SO.  The next would be my plans after my son is born. I have no idea what I am going to do. None. I was and am unprepared. I am taking this one day at a time and plastering this grin on my face on days I don't even want to leave my house.

I never have been the person to let things bother me. I have always, always, always been the tough one. But I am scared. SCARED. 

All of that being said, I am so very thankful, so very happy and so excited that I am finally getting the one thing I wanted most out of life. To be a mom.

I will figure this out, though. I will make it work one way or the other. I am stuck, I really can't move forward until I have this baby. I am just waiting and driving myself crazy for March 2nd- ish so I can decide just  what it is we are going to do. Unfortunatley until then I am stuck with all these emotions that I can't do a darn thing about. HAHA.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Made up of random


My life has been soooo boring, because I am old now.
Since this year has started, I moved back home, bought a truck and Road tripped to Houston for the day. That's it.
I can't seem to get out of the truck. I'm pretty much in love with it. It's beautiful. Like, Ya'll... I'll be one of those people who marry inanimate objects. .... You know what I am talkin' bout. Those freaks on Maury.
"Do You take this Dodge Ram to be your lawfully wedded bad ass big sexy truck?"
Yes. Yes I do.*tear*

It probably is the most perfect marriage. It can't talk.

I have taken a liking to Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum...+coke+lime.. new favorite thing. Next to tequila.

Speaking of tequila. I bought some, and you know when you buy something and it's name is Trouble Maker, you're screwed. That's all it did all night, cause trouble for me. My knees are bruised and bloodied. My shins are bruised. Cause apparently my legs were like "Oh, you wanna walk? Okay lets g---SIKE!"
But I guess it was the TroubleMaker and the Phase10 drinking game combined.

Speaking of Phase10 Drinking game... that will be the only way to play that game from now on.

I  have worked up a new tattoo. I got it translated, by a real translator, into Hebrew.
So I will not be on that 

"Write your troubles in the sand, so the winds of time can wash them away / Carve your blessings in stone so that they are etched in your heart forever"

I love it. I will love it even more when it's on my ribs.

Also, I have become the go to girl for Grand Theft Puppy.
Mistreated, abused, pitbulls. I will James Bond that shit and rescue that dog.
Give it a new happy home.

I Pinterest wrong. Most of the time I forget to pin.I just spend hours laughing, then can't find it again. 

Okay I have to go be a productive member of society now.